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Photo Gallery

All fences are designed and built to suit your needs. If you’ve seen something you like that’s not here, contact us with a picture (if you've got one) and we’ll talk about it.


Click on an image to enlarge it.

Loading ramp - mobile welding

Loading ramp - mobile welding

Horse holding yards

Horse holding yards

15m arena

15m arena

Shade shelter

Shade shelter

Property entrance

Property entrance

Large wide lead-in

Large wide lead-in



Split posts

Split posts

Steel pickets

Steel pickets

Steel posts with mesh

Steel posts with mesh

Large wide lead-in

Large wide lead-in

Round posts and mesh

Round posts and mesh



Split posts and steel

Split posts and steel

Stallion fence

Stallion fence

Round posts, cattle rail + dog wire

Round posts, cattle rail + dog wire

This front feature fence is on the Gatton-Clifton Road, Ma Ma Creek. The owners were looking for a rural style fence that made a statement, but was also functional.

100mm square posts with cattle rail

100mm square posts with cattle rail

Split posts with 5-barb fence

Split posts with 5-barb fence

Split posts.

Split posts.

Split posts

Split posts

Split posts

Split posts

Property entrance

Property entrance

Horse fencing

Horse fencing

Star pickets

Star pickets

Star pickets are a strong, easy, and often cheap option for both temporary and permanent fencing. This fence is being installed near Grantham to keep cattle out of the crops.

Steel fencing with mesh

Steel fencing with mesh

Round posts, cattle rail + dog wire

Round posts, cattle rail + dog wire

This front feature fence is on the Gatton-Clifton Road, Ma Ma Creek. The owners were looking for a rural style fence that made a statement, but was also functional.

Steel cattle yards

Steel cattle yards

Steel cattle yards, built from scratch near Roma. Constructed with Kayne Maskill.

Horse fencing

Horse fencing

Steel fence

Steel fence

Star picket fence

Star picket fence

Timber lead in property entrance

Timber lead in property entrance

Steel box assembly

Steel box assembly

Jamie Gorman fencing contractor

Jamie Gorman fencing contractor

Ma Ma Creek

Ma Ma Creek

This front feature fence is on the Gatton-Clifton Road, Ma Ma Creek. The owners were looking for a rural style fence that made a statement, but was also functional.

Property lead-in

Property lead-in

This lead-in was constructed in Adare.

Horse paddocks

Horse paddocks

This owner needed five safe horse paddocks, in a simple steel and wire construction.

Horse paddocks

Horse paddocks

This owner needed five safe horse paddocks, in a simple steel and wire construction.

Steel box assembly

Steel box assembly

Timber box assembly and ground stay

Timber box assembly and ground stay

Timber ground stay

Timber ground stay

Steel ground stay

Steel ground stay

Cattle rail and timber box assembly

Cattle rail and timber box assembly


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